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9th Annual A Note To Remember Event a Tremendous Success!


The 9th Annual Sycamore Music Boosters “A Note to Remember” event recently held at Blumen Gardens was a huge success.   Guests attended an elegant evening of jazz and classical music including delicious hors d’oeuvres and dessert buffet, and numerous raffle baskets and silent auction items.  The featured musical guests were the Eric Montzka Trio. Eric Montzka, a Sycamore High School alumnus and a 2015 SHS Music Hall of Fame member, treated attendees with his percussive musicianship. His ensemble complete with bassist Larry Kohut and guitarist John Moulder filled Blumen Gardens for a solid hour of smooth sounds of jazz.


The Sycamore High School String Ensemble offered elegant chamber music at the beginning of the event, the Sycamore High School Jazz Choir gave their first performance of the season, and the Sycamore High School Jazz Ensemble performed a variety of great tunes that evening.


Craig Mathey, who was inducted into the SHS Music Hall of Fame earlier in the day, closed out the night as guests enjoyed dancing and listening to his fun music.

The 2017 Sycamore High School Music Hall of Fame inductees were also introduced during the “A Note to Remember” event. The class of 2017 includes Craig and Joyce Mathey and Sara (Englum) Velarde. The official induction ceremony was held earlier that afternoon in the Sycamore High School Auditorium. Be sure to stop by the new Music Hall of Fame display case across the entrance into the High School Auditorium.

Each year the event grows in popularity with another almost sold-out event this year.  “A Note to Remember” raises support for the Sycamore District Music Programs and is sponsored by the Sycamore Music Boosters.  The Boosters program strives to support every student enrolled in any music program in the district from Kindergarten through post-graduation. Their mission statement is to “Enrich the quality of music education, performance, and awareness in the Sycamore Schools and community.”

It is with deep gratitude that the Sycamore Music Boosters thank all sponsors and donors that helped support this event and made it so successful.  This event’s sponsors include Northern Rehab Physical Therapy Specialists, Prairie View Animal Hospital, Ideal Industries, Inc., Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgeons for Northern Illinois-Dr. Todd Anderson and Dr. David Junck, KishHealth Systems, Austin’s Violin Shop, Law office of Riley Oncken, MorningStar Media Group, Bryan and Julie Kruskol, Dr. Todd Curtis Orthodontics, and Heartland Bank. We also extend our gratitude to the following in-kind donations from Shaw Media – Daily Chronicle and Midweek, Jamrah Middle Eastern Cuisine, Shawn’s Coffee Shop, Taxco of Sycamore, Hy-Vee, St. Mary’s Parish, Victoria Shipman of Essentials, and Trittenhaus Design.

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